Thursday 23 October 2008


A library user was caught today WRITING IN THE LIBRARY BOOKS. Who the hell does this?! Thank goodness he was kind enough to use pencil, and I spent the entire afternoon erasing his scribblings.


Mindy said...


Elynor said...

No one who was raised by my librarian mother, that's for sure! Bad library user!

Meg said...

Looks like someone was too lazy and inconsiderate to just take notes in a notepad. Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Hell is too good for people like that.

(I put writing in books on the same level as kicking kittens. It's evil and wrong!)

Kate said...

Thank you! I'm so glad you are all as outraged as we were today. Grr.

Helen said...

I would never ever write in a library book! But I do like writing in my own books. It gives them life and meaning and purpose. I like my books to be loved and used, not put on a pedestal and treated like something that shouldn't be touched. I love it when I come across an old book that someone scribbled in 100 years ago.